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" I believe everything is
designed yet few things
are designed well."

Alexandra Reynolds

Alexandra Reynolds

My name is Alexandria,I am 16 years old,born on April 18,2001.I was born here in Aurora,Co.It’s important to know that i’m just now starting to drink coffee(iced) and its helps me wake up,now i see why people drink it.

Something big that happened to me was leaving my mom in Texas to come back to this boring box state.The only place i lived is here in colorado. want to live in Texas with my mom though or i would live in Atlanta that would be nice.

In school I love to go to photography class.I like taking pictures,so it’s good for me to learn how an actual camera works.Im pretty good at algebra,so sometimes i like math but not really.I love my off period,i get a lot of homework done in the library.I love lunch even though i don’t eat but it’s a great little break to have.I like to play volleyball,but i didn’t try out for the school team.